I will always try to meet new visitors to the paddock, if this is not possible please read and digest the information below to help you access the paddock without wasting your time.

KEEP LEFT on the gravel grids, it makes straight entry to the “airlock” simpler.  Please keep to the grids NOT the grass.

There is a secure parking area up by the paddock shelter.  Small or short vehicles can simply drive in.  If you’re in a long vehicles or van I recommend you reverse up into the secure parking.

The metal field gate should always be latched OPEN making access quicker, to close please secure with the elasticated rope.

The chain on the pedestrian gate is secured by a combination padlock: hold/press down down the padlock “loop” to enter the code using the bold black line as the “guide” and unlock. The combination code will have been sent via your reminder email (if not yet received please telephone me I don’t always receive texts, Fiona 07974674915).

To open the paddock gate there is a blue pull wire (attached to a latch on the inside), pull the handle down to raise the inner latch.


Open gate, get all your stuff in and “release the hounds”

On entering the field make sure the latch is behind the wooden security clasp. Grids have been laid to the pedestrian entrance and the water area.

Now you’re in…..ENJOY

I’ve supplied throwing sticks and tennis balls, which are kindly donated by Tavistock Tennis Club, in case you’ve forgotten yours.

There are bowls for water, the large tank holds rainwater and is operated by 2 taps….please please please ensure you close both taps valuable water is being lost due to visitors not closing the Green “inner” tap properly! It is stiff so gentle pushing with your toe will ensure it doesn’t leak.

If the tank is empty there will be an AQUAROLL in the shelter with fresh water.

Please re-lock the padlock on leaving, with the yellow tape on the padlock facing out, and ensure you have removed all waste….and dogs!

ANYONE FOUND NOT REMOVING THEIR WASTE WILL BE BANNED.  No-one wants faecal matter on their upholstery!!!!

Re-open the five bar gate and secure open with the metal latch so the next visitor can access the parking area easily.

You must be exiting the main field by 5 minutes to the hour or 25 minutes past the hour to ensure ease of access for the next visitor.

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